Botswana Insurance Company (BIC) on Wednesday launched a P66 000 sponsorship to Livingstone Kolobeng College (LKC) Jaguars Rugby Team. BIC chief executive officer, Newton Jazire said the sponsorship would go towards the team’s tournament preparations and kit during the five-weekend tournament. “We pride ourselves in the development of the youth. This partnership is an investment into sports development and our future ambassadors who will represent the country at national team level,” he said. Jazire said their philosophy had always been that sport was a vehicle to help teach young people some skills to become successful contributors to society. He further stated that sporting codes such as rugby were often considered minority sports, something which made it difficult for them to afford sponsorship opportunities. He, however, gave an example of how rugby had become a culture in South Africa and had created employment not only for players, but for administration workers, technical team and other departments. He also said sports had a role in delivering a wide variety of benefits to communities and individuals, including economic growth. Jaguars manager, Feddious Mutenheri shared the team’s vision of creating a fully-fledged rugby academy that would be built at the Livingstone Kolobeng College premises in the next five years. “This is a great move to have BIC sponsor us for this tournament. We are elated that BIC is playing a major role in the development of rugby in the country,” he said. He said through the sponsorship, BIC had played a major role in making the vision to create a rugby academy possible. The LKC Jaguars Rugby team will play their first match this Saturday with a team yet to be announced. BOPA
LKC proved their invincibility when they extended their unbeaten record to clinch the ISSSA Athletics Championship for the 6th time in a row. Competing in a totally new environment, Ghetto, The LKC Athletes were not deterred. Reports coming from Francistown Stadium say, Mophato tried to give LKC some stiff competition, but their efforts crumbled in the face of a well-oiled and well-grilled LKC Athletics machinery. Records were broken in individual competitions that included Javelin, Discus and track events. Heartiest Congratulations are truly due, to the Principal Mrs Nilima Bakaya, the sports Patron Mr Kaumba, The rest of the sports department headed by Mr. Dhaliwal Singh, Mr Ndebele, Taku and Dent. Also the teachers who assisted should be commended. LKC will continue to show that its mixed-ability approach to education is the way to go for the county......PULA!