Important Notice Related to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Cognisant of the rising stress levels amongst our children as a result of COVID-19, the school has decided to work in partnership with a Psychologist. The Psychologist, Keitumetse Keakile (MSc), will be based at LKC from the 1st of August 2020 and will offer her services every Saturdays starting from 0900hrs till 1700hrs. One therapy session of 50minutes costs BWP200.00 and one advisory session of 20 minutes costs BWP100.00. all clients will firstly undergo an advisory session with the psychologist before scheduling a therapy session. Moreso, the school has employed a fulltime qualified nurse who will work closely with the Covid-19 Task Force and have also approached the Block 8 Clinic for cooperation when need arises. For any enquiries call the school on 3161140 or the Psychologist on +26776866074. Mrs. Bakaya (The Principal)
LKC's 2021 Covid-19 Protocols/Actions
Aim: to ensure that the LKC Campus is safe for staff, students and parents in accordance with National and International COVID-19 School re-opening guidelines.
This policy document assures the safety and wellbeing of all stakeholders by emphasizing:
- Social Distancing protocols.
- Mandatory wearing of masks or face coverings – (Any students not wearing mask will be required to purchase one at the entrance into the school).
- Hand washing / sanitizing protocols.
- Temperature measuring and recording at points of entry.
- Social distancing protocols in teaching and learning.
- Cleaning and disinfecting of classrooms, laboratories and office spaces.
- Maintaining registration records
- Demarcating the school into zones.
- Timetable has been adjusted to cater for movement and sanitising.
- All lessons will be 45 minutes, to allow for toilet and water breaks between all lessons.
- There will only be one break, of 45 minutes.
- Break will be after Lesson 3.
- This is intended to discourage close interaction between students.
- Time-Tabler will be asked to reallocate teaching rooms to minimise moving across campus.
- Classrooms have been arranged to ensure physical distancing is maintained.
- The Co-curricular activities are suspended until further notice.
- Isolation / sick bay have been created and are manned by a qualified nurse.
- SHE officer has been appointed supported by a taskforce.
- Students to arrive to school by 6.45am for screening and registration
- Student and staff body temperatures will be measured and recorded on arrival. Any student/staff whose temperature is 37.4oc or above will be isolated at the sick bay and attended to by medical personnel.
- Students will be dropped off in the car park outside the demarcated zone and line up as directed.
- Students will wash / sanitize their hands and have their temperatures measured and recorded. After all procedures have been completely satisfactory, each student will proceed directly to their base room of first period lesson.
- Register will be marked right at the gate as the student enters the school.
- Any student who comes late after registration will get temperature measured and recorded at the gate and proceed to front office to obtain a pass to go to class if certified well.
- Classrooms will be set up in the “exam style”, with a minimum of 1.2 metres between students.
- All students will face the same way.
- There will be no group seating.
- Teachers’ tables will be removed to create additional space and replaced with small desks.
- Ipeleng Hall will be used for classes.
- Doors and windows should be open throughout the day.
- At the end of the lesson, students will leave row-by-row, maintaining physical distancing.
- The teacher will ensure physical distancing by incoming students.
- Ancillary staff to assist with hand sanitizer dispensing.
- All students and staff to hand sanitize on entering the room using alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Teachers should allow controlled breaks between all lessons to avoid congestion during break time.
- Classroom doors should be propped open for the entire day, so that door handles do not need to be used, and to ensure ventilation.
- Tuckshop and Coffeeshop to manage lines to ensure social distancing, when necessary
- Tuckshop and Coffeeshop will only serve pre-ordered food.
- Collection points for pre-ordered snacks will be decentralised to the different school zones.
- All teachers will be on duty to monitor physical distancing.
- Ancillary staff will clean all desks and surfaces during the students break.
- Get your temperature checked and your personal details registered when you enter the gate.
- Sanitize your hands or wash your hands with soap and clean water at a wash basin in the school.
- Monitor your child’s health and keep them home from school if they are ill
- Teach and model good hygiene practices for your children o Wash your hands with soap and safe water frequently. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water, if hands are visibly dirty.
- Ensure that safe drinking water is available and toilets or latrines are clean and available at home or Ensure waste is safely collected, stored and disposed of o Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow and avoid touching your face, eyes, mouth, nose
- Encourage your children to ask questions and express their feelings with you and their teachers. Remember that your child may have different reactions to stress; be patient and understanding.
- Prevent stigma by using facts and reminding students to be considerate of one another.
- Coordinate with the school to receive information and ask how you can support school safety efforts (though parent-teacher committees, etc.)
- While meal preparation may be consistent with normal school operation, special care must be taken to maintain the health of food service workers.
- Food service staff should always wear gloves and a face covering that covers both the mouth and nose when working with others and/or while preparing or packaging food.
- Food service staff should exercise proper handwashing practices.
- Providing pre-packaged foods or those that require minimum preparation will help limit the time food service staff handles food and works together in an enclosed space.
- Staff may need specific training in food safety protocols for storing and distributing school meals at other pick-up locations.
- This might include training on using ice or gel packs to keep foods cold or training on proper use of insulated containers.
- Distributing school meals during school closures may present several logistical challenges for food service staff.
- Food service staff should always wear gloves and a face covering over the mouth and nose when interacting with the public.
- Pre-package complete, reimbursable meals for easy grab-and-go. This will limit the amount of time each person needs to spend at the pick-up location.
- Keep siblings’ meals together for quick and easy pick-up. Keeping siblings’ meals at one site ensures that families do not have to travel to multiple sites or spend more time at the pick-up location than necessary. If any allergy issues exist for siblings, be sure to keep allergenic foods separate from other foods.
- Pick-up periods should last at least 20minutes. This will make it easier for students to pick up meals, as well as allow for appropriate social distancing.
- Consider methods that shorten client service times and limit unnecessary face-to-face interactions.
- Food distribution in outside areas is highly preferable to inside areas. Whenever possible, designate an outside area as the pick-up location, such as a parking lot or lawn of a school or park. This will allow space for social distancing.
What LKC has done as precautionary measures against infection
Cleaning and Disinfecting
All classrooms, public spaces such as cafeteria, sitting bays, offices etc, have been disinfected and this exercise will be continued regularly.
Every student will get a piece of soap which they should use after visiting the bathroom and should carry it always.
Gatherings Cancelled
Main Assemblies have been cancelled and small form assemblies will be held, conducted by Heads of Staff Members.
All sports gatherings and sports trainings have been cancelled till further notice.
Stakeholders Encouragements
Students are instructed to refrain from hugging, shaking hands, gathering for any purposes within the school premises. The school will continue to give updates on official developments concerning the disease. Do Not Panic - This phase will be over and we will resume normal conduct in school.
Helpful Information
What is the difference between a Cold and Flu?
According to the CDC, ‘’Flu and the common cold are both respiratory illnesses but they are caused by different viruses. Because these two types of illnesses have similar symptoms, it can be difficult to tell the difference between them based on symptoms alone. In general, flu is worse than the common cold, and symptoms are more intense. Colds are usually milder than flu. People with colds are more likely to have a runny or stuffy nose. Colds generally do not result in serious health problems, such as pneumonia, bacterial infections, or hospitalizations. Flu can have very serious associated complications.
Remember to wash your hands properly as advised
Wash your hands before and after eating; after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; going to the bathroom/ toilet and whenever your hands are visibly dirty.
If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Human beings adapt very easily to change, even if we do not like the changes.
It takes only 18 days to form a habit/routine.
#Stay well
#LKC COVID-19 Taskforce